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Author Topic: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland  (Read 7389 times)


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #15 on: 02 March 2020, 06:24:04 pm »


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #16 on: 03 March 2020, 11:56:00 am »
Surprise surprise. They are at a pro NM conference in Glasgow today


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #17 on: 05 March 2020, 10:14:56 am »
Thank you all for your comments. We are always open to listening to feedback on our service from women with lived experience and want to assure you that your comments are being taken onboard. Our support is available as and when a woman feels they may need it and is entirely led by their needs. We do not assume anything about the women we work with and will in no way pressure you to stop selling sex. Our aim is to support you to be safe and to exercise choice based on your rights. We will support you whether you choose to continue selling/exchanging sex or whether you choose to exit. We are actively engaging with other women’s rights, women’s health and wellbeing services across Scotland to ensure there is a range of opportunities for the needs of women to be met.
[removed] is our platform for women to share their views and experiences and have their voice heard on the development of Click and other services. We want to work together with women and services in Scotland to ensure support around your health, safety and well-being is accessible and works for you. There is a feedback form on our website where you can submit your thoughts anonymously or feel free to leave contact information so we can chat with you further: [removed]
« Last Edit: 27 March 2020, 05:22:05 pm by amy »


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #18 on: 05 March 2020, 06:11:16 pm »
But you are still lobbying for laws that harm us!


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #19 on: 05 March 2020, 06:54:32 pm »
Thread temporarily locked.

The poster has provided contact details so anybody who wants to may continue along the same lines in an appropriate setting. This section of the SAAFE Forum is not an appropriate setting.


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #20 on: 17 March 2020, 08:05:51 pm »
I've unlocked and tidied this and the haranguing is going to stop - this is not the place for placard-waving and it is indescribably tedious to read. Some people might find a source of support useful or not, but random members here don't get to decide that for them, and there will not be any further drumbanging on this or any similar thread.

That said, another thing which is going to stop is Click.Scot's membership of this forum unless you clearly and specifically clarify your position on the Nordic Model and the criminalisation of punters with your next post, which will be made in a timely, concise and unequivocal way. In your own time.


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #21 on: 25 March 2020, 10:23:34 am »
Click is a partnership service and each of our individual partners have clearly stated positions on their views of the sex industry. However, Click is more than the sum of our partners. We are a pilot project working in partnership with women to understand their needs and to develop and deliver innovative services that meet those needs and are accessible for all.
We are not a political or lobbying group, an exiting service or a campaigning organisation. We recognise and completely respect that some women choose to sell or exchange sex in person, online or both, but for many women this is not a choice.
Our overarching view is that the sex industry can be very harmful for women and that this harm can come from a range of sources: men who overstep boundaries and cause physical and psychological harm; a lack of specialist support; stigma and discrimination; a lack of understanding of women’s experience, among others.
We understand that our service may not be right for all of the women who engage with SAAFE, but we appreciate the opportunity to share the support we offer with those who may need it. We are here for anyone who would like to share their views and experience, who would like to be involved in what we do or who would like to access our support. If you would like to chat further we are always happy to engage constructively via [removed]
« Last Edit: 27 March 2020, 05:22:30 pm by amy »


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #22 on: 25 March 2020, 01:37:46 pm »
Yes, we're all aware that the sex industry is no different to any other sector in that there are corners of it which are unscrupulous and exploitative, which is why there are laws in place to cover rape and sexual assault, child abuse, false imprisonment, incitement and so on which protect those who may be vulnerable to these things.

The difference is that nobody is trying to get farming or factories banned because it would be crazy to destroy an entire, legitimate industry for the sake of some who have nothing to do with it, and are already operating outside the law - that is the concern of people here. There are people here who love their job and others who loathe it, but they all still chose to do it, and nobody here is likely to be working against their will (or they would be unlikely to have free access to the internet, either). I hated every second of being a barmaid, but I still chose to do that too.

Anyway, I obviously wasn't clear enough, so I'll reword my question: do/does you/your organisation support the criminalisation of the purchase of sex rather than decriminalisation of our work and proper application of the existing laws I've mentioned to punish only the wrongdoers rather than all of us? A yes or a no will do fine.


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #23 on: 27 March 2020, 03:37:05 pm »
Although we do not lobby or campaign, if required to choose, CLiCK would support Nordic model. The service we offer is in no way influenced by political opinions and we are here for anyone who would like to share their views and experiences or access our support.


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #24 on: 27 March 2020, 04:40:42 pm »
Well there is it everyone, no hiding it now.


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #25 on: 27 March 2020, 05:16:47 pm »
Although we do not lobby or campaign, if required to choose, CLiCK would support Nordic model. The service we offer is in no way influenced by political opinions and we are here for anyone who would like to share their views and experiences or access our support.

You know you guys put us between a rock and a hard place with this. These views make people wary of you and the women's clinic.
Not sure how many times it has to be said.  :FF


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Re: CLiCK: Online and face-to-face support in Scotland
« Reply #26 on: 27 March 2020, 05:32:12 pm »
You know you guys put us between a rock and a hard place with this.

Not here they don't, or not anymore.

We're currently only accepting adverts from projects that are part of the UKNSWP. If your project is not part of the network but you think your ethos fits with ours, you can email us to discuss it.

The UKNSWP has been completely rejigged since this board was set up, but the above still stands. Abolitionists, their advocates and their supporters are not and will never be welcome here.
