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Author Topic: Some questions about creating websites.  (Read 2059 times)


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Some questions about creating websites.
« on: 08 February 2010, 12:47:07 pm »
Hello, my name is Alex and I am here to find a couple of answers about designing websites to escort ladies. As you will notice, i am not english but i will try to write here the best english i know at the moment :)). Thank you for your patience.
So, lets start.
I am a newbie in this kind of work but i have read some articles and books about designing websites, SEO...i have made some websites for some girls but not in a professional way( i mean with Moonfruit) but i will start doing Html sites which are more friendly with search engines and you dont need to wait ages to open it.
First of all i need to know from you(potential customers) some things so it will be a good business for me and for you aswell:

1. How much should a website cost, what is the decent amount of money to be paid for?
2. What do you expect(as a potential customer) to receive for the money you pay?
3. I will like to know from you how would you like a website to look, i mean to be simple or with many colors or.....i dont know....anything.

If there are more things to be said, please do it here.
I can start to do this work, if there is anyone who would like to give me a chance to try, let me tell you my opinion about how to do: you can send me some photos, you can tell me what colours you might like to have your website or how do you think your website should look like and i create the website FOR FREE and only if you like it and decide to buy it, then you pay.
I think it sounds good but if you have a more reasonable offer that i can make, feel free to tell me what i can do.

I hope you are not too bothered about my writing and also hope to get more answers to this topic.

Regards, Alex


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Re: Some questions about creating websites.
« Reply #1 on: 08 February 2010, 08:44:24 pm »
Hello, my name is Alex and I am here to find a couple of answers about designing websites to escort ladies. As you will notice, i am not english but i will try to write here the best english i know at the moment :)). Thank you for your patience.
So, lets start.
I am a newbie in this kind of work but i have read some articles and books about designing websites, SEO...i have made some websites for some girls but not in a professional way( i mean with Moonfruit) but i will start doing Html sites which are more friendly with search engines and you dont need to wait ages to open it.
First of all i need to know from you(potential customers) some things so it will be a good business for me and for you aswell:

1. How much should a website cost, what is the decent amount of money to be paid for?
2. What do you expect(as a potential customer) to receive for the money you pay?
3. I will like to know from you how would you like a website to look, i mean to be simple or with many colors or.....i dont know....anything.

If there are more things to be said, please do it here.
I can start to do this work, if there is anyone who would like to give me a chance to try, let me tell you my opinion about how to do: you can send me some photos, you can tell me what colours you might like to have your website or how do you think your website should look like and i create the website FOR FREE and only if you like it and decide to buy it, then you pay.
I think it sounds good but if you have a more reasonable offer that i can make, feel free to tell me what i can do.

I hope you are not too bothered about my writing and also hope to get more answers to this topic.

Regards, Alex

Alex, with the best will in the world, I think what is most important to ladies when choosing a website designer is that s/he has some idea what they are doing in the first place. I can't speak for the rest of the members here, but handing over the responsibility for what is basically my main advertising to someone who came to me having read a couple of books about it (when I can do that myself) would never, ever happen.

As for your questions (and I am trying to be constructive):

1. There is no 'should'. A website can cost anything from zero to thousands of pounds depending on it's quality, sophistication and also it's complexity/special design features.

2. Again, I cannot speak for others, but I expect a properly finished website (where all the buttons/links/image viewing features etc work), as well as userfriendly instructions on how to edit it should I wish to. This will be done to the design spec agreed, and any tweaks and changes I wanted to make/add would be done in a timely manner, as would the answering of any correspondence. If I had requested it I would also expect the SEO to be done properly and effectively.

3. As before, there is no right or wrong way; I can't stand bright, garish designs or anything too busy but others like them. The idea is to listen to what each individual customer wants; not all prossies are the same any more than all florists, cafes or pet sh0ps are. You are the one being paid to produce ideas - discuss basic likes and dislikes with your client and it is up to you to come up with a variety of basic layouts as starting points for them to choose from.

To be honest, I think you're putting the cart before the horse here. Have a look on these instead.


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Re: Some questions about creating websites.
« Reply #2 on: 08 February 2010, 09:34:50 pm »
Along the same vein as Amy's link, web design is a flourishing, interesting industry and by no means limited to escorts (of course!). I studied it and make websites for 'legit' companies (only fairly basic ones for now) and hope to earn some real buckaroos doing it some day (after I've scrounged myself some more qualifications). So while checking out web design forums why not take a look at web design courses in your area? Once you've got some brilliant skills (php, mySQL, javascript, Flash, various CMSes etc) you can start charging a bomb and in all sorts of markets, not just escort websites! :)

(Although from one or two of the spammy emails I've had insulting me to my face about how I "am really in need of new web site! Click here now for better site more hits! SEO included for extra fee!" bollocks, it seems you can just piece together a crappy template and launch your escort web design business, too. ;D)

I would've thought escort web design should ideally come with a custom/personalised CMS nowadays, though, since anyone can go and make a Wordpress blog and use their free-and-easy features to knock up something snazzy, clean and clearly-presented. Er, I'll go collect my check from the WP people now, ahem. But any blogging platform can do the same thing, pretty much, what with their static pages and so on.
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