Hello, my name is Alex and I am here to find a couple of answers about designing websites to escort ladies. As you will notice, i am not english but i will try to write here the best english i know at the moment
). Thank you for your patience.
So, lets start.
I am a newbie in this kind of work but i have read some articles and books about designing websites, SEO...i have made some websites for some girls but not in a professional way( i mean with Moonfruit) but i will start doing Html sites which are more friendly with search engines and you dont need to wait ages to open it.
First of all i need to know from you(potential customers) some things so it will be a good business for me and for you aswell:
1. How much should a website cost, what is the decent amount of money to be paid for?
2. What do you expect(as a potential customer) to receive for the money you pay?
3. I will like to know from you how would you like a website to look, i mean to be simple or with many colors or.....i dont know....anything.
If there are more things to be said, please do it here.
I can start to do this work, if there is anyone who would like to give me a chance to try, let me tell you my opinion about how to do: you can send me some photos, you can tell me what colours you might like to have your website or how do you think your website should look like and i create the website
FOR FREE and only if you like it and decide to buy it, then you pay.
I think it sounds good but if you have a more reasonable offer that i can make, feel free to tell me what i can do.
I hope you are not too bothered about my writing and also hope to get more answers to this topic.
Regards, Alex