Hazel, I'm confused too! I emailed asking for details and she got back to me straight away. I asked about day rates as I also wanted to rent on a daily, not hourly basis as I wanted to be available to clients for the whole day, so the idea of needing to check an hour before whether it's free or not doesn't appeal to me at all as I'd be travelling to London -which takes over an hour anyway!
Rooms rented on an hourly basis just aren't for me. I don't like to rush - my clients or myself, so the thought of someone else waiting outside the door for the room to be free is absolutely horrid.
Cindy - your post is equally as confusing. You say that any rubbish such as rota - take home and destroy - then go on to add that house rules are in place for a reason! Surely a rota would tie in with house rules?
Nobody said she was being a cow, we're just saying that the information is very conflicting - which is offputting to say the least. Also, - She can't walk away scot free..if she's prepared to rent her place out on an hourly basis then obviously she's not too concerned about who uses the place, as long as the money comes in. Makes me wonder....Hidden cameras, being set up to be robbed and so on. I'm a suspicious person but in this business it stands me in good stead to be so.
Hotels are not ideal for some. I much prefer being in an apartment but I understand some people want the extra security of hotels.
I'm fed up with all the toing and froing, emails, phone calls that come to nothing to be honest. If someone has a place I can sublet, that'd be great. If they advertise Certain Terms, and I, or any other lady (Hazel) contacts them ON THOSE TERMS then we have a right to be confused and bewildered when suddenly the Terms Change.
So Fluck it, I'm going to have to find a place to rent myself. When I do I will offer to sublet it a few days a week on here to a lady who isn't just arsing about. None of this - by the hour/check an hour before nonsense that we keep coming up against. This isn't what I wanted to do at all, but as there are so many timewasters about it seems like the only option!