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Author Topic: Professional Driver: Deptford, Greenwich, Blackheath SE London.  (Read 417 times)


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Professional Driver: Deptford, Greenwich, Blackheath SE London.
« on: 07 November 2014, 08:52:35 pm »
Hi all,

I'm Snow, a driver from Deptford, South-east London.
I live really close to the Old Kent Road, New Cross, and Peckham; so can get to pretty much anywhere in southeast quite quickly.
I just ask you give me as much notice in advance as possible (although short notice jobs happen).

I originally worked on the door of a club in Greenwich, but I've been working as a driver for the past 4 years now.
Over the summer my employer closed down, so now I'm back looking for work.  ::)

I'm a male, but a very professional one. My only goal is to drive you safely to a job, wait patiently (you're not going to have me run off to grab food halfway through a meeting), then collect you and take you home/to your next meet safely.

My fee is ?15/hour + Petrol.
Ideally I'd like to meet you before we work together; I'll also give you a copy of my drivers license, give you a CRB check, and I've also attached a link to a picture of myself below.
Obviously none of these things mean I'm not a nutter, but hopefully help you put a face to a name.
As for me, I'm not a weirdo or an obssesive person at all, I'm really laid-back, clean and tidy, and don't have to dominate conversation with testosterone and ego + can just listen!! 

[removed, and would have been even if images were permitted here]

If you live in the Greenwich/Lewisham/Southwark area and would like to hire my services, feel free to email me:
« Last Edit: 07 November 2014, 08:55:17 pm by amy »