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Author Topic: male escort  (Read 1525 times)


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male escort
« on: 20 October 2009, 11:19:53 am »
hi im new to this and would like to get in contact with a male escort agency or other male escorts for some advice


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Re: male escort
« Reply #1 on: 21 October 2009, 01:55:52 pm »
hi im new to this and would like to get in contact with a male escort agency or other male escorts for some advice

Stephen, I'm going to take a deep breath and give you the benefit of the doubt; in other words, I am assuming that you have read through the main site and the relevant threads on this forum and are therefore fully aware that the prospects of a straight man hoping to escort women are zero, and the idea is a complete non-starter.

As a gay or bi man wanting to become an escort providing services to other men, I think your options agency-wise are limited; most guys work independently AFAIK (although there may be something if you are in or near London). There are a few advertising sites you could try, and getting a website organised isn't too difficult - probably less expensive than you think too! You could also have a go at building one yourself - some of the ladies on here have done that and I'm sure will be happy to help if you get stuck.

I'm sure we all sympathise with you hoping to speak to other male escorts, and we do have a couple of guys posting on here who could assist you with any bloke-specific queries, but the job is pretty much of a muchness gender-wise and if there is anything you want advice about, just post your questions on the main board and we'll all do our best to help. The articles on the main site about law, tax, STDs and so on apply to everyone and should be your first stop if you haven't looked already.

Hope this is helpful, and welcome to SAAFE!
« Last Edit: 21 October 2009, 01:59:01 pm by amy »