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Author Topic: Looking for a room for 5 days in London  (Read 1564 times)

Laura MacKenzie

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    • laura mackenzie
Looking for a room for 5 days in London
« on: 17 October 2009, 01:51:16 am »
I have a visitor coming next week and since I long ago bored of hotels since I got my own place to work from (the last time my dad visited I used them but I remembered how annoying they were!). Have looked at a few serviced apartments but am wary and the only one I know is good and closeby is rather expensive and not quite as busy as I would wish for.

He's coming from 24th-31st but I will only need the room Monday 26th-Friday 30th (although I can sacrafice days within that).

I know it is probably a long shot but if anyone if off touring then it'd be a good way to cover the rent or if you are inbetween flatmates.
