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Author Topic: Experienced driver available for Colchester and surrounding areas  (Read 490 times)


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48 yr old male living in Colchester. University educated, ex army officer, worked as a part time Doorman / Bouncer & bodyguards for many years, part-time martial arts instructor. Stopped driving for a year due to other work commitments, but looking to start up again.

Married with 2 daughters, and wife happy with me driving. OK for you to meet her.

I pride myself on honesty, professionalism, sensitivity and a 100% focus & commitment to your safety.

No problem meeting or obtaining a reference from the last girl I drove for.

If you're sick and tired of drivers with 'other ideas and intentions on their mind', and want a driver of the highest quality, get in touch.



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Re: Experienced driver available for Colchester and surrounding areas
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2014, 09:28:54 am »
get in touch.

How? You haven't included a name, email address or contact number, and I doubt many of us know semaphore?

In other words, had you bothered to read the advertising rules, you would have known to include contact details in your post - why not do it now?