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Author Topic: Weird guy stalker-ish behaviour with a potential to turn - Edinburgh/Bathgate  (Read 920 times)


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This guy has been texting me for weeks.  He arranged a booking with me for 9pm one night, then proceeded to get drunker and drunker texting me throughout before texting me at 11.30 asking if I'd fallen asleep, I responded he hadn't confirmed his address and it was too late now, then stored his number as blocked.  Obviously I still get his texts though but read and delete.

He has sent me outrageous amounts of texts asking for a booking, although I've told him I'm not able to offer him a booking as I don't think we are compatible.  I've just turned my phone on to 6 texts from him between 9 and 10.30 last night.  Started as the usual 'Can I phone you' and 'OK to phone you now', which I ignored.  Then I got the following, which is what has made me very uneasy and makes me think he has the potential to turn at the least weird:

'Love is more important than money hope you find it?'
'Have you got kids yet?'
'R U in the masonic lodge?'
'They run sex industry think I am blackballed refused to join after reading their secret litrature (sic) on allagoric verse (my name)'

With a different client these would probably be in the 'How not to book an escort' thread, but something about this guy makes me very very uneasy, especially due to the sheer volume of calls and texts I've had from him after telling him no - he's not moving on at all.

This guy isn't someone I'd want to be alone with as a WG, let alone in an intimate situation, so I'm warning you all.

His name is Lez (oh yeah, with a Les with a z).  He lives in Bathgate, his house number is 63 and that's as much of his address as i have.

His number is 075437525**

Take care out there.

EDIT 14/05/15 16:51 - Just wanted to add that in the 3 days since I posted this warning, the messages have continued to come thick and fast, all centred around the freemasons and how they have got me on drugs and they control the sex industry, and how I need to 'find love not chase riches' and be saved.  I'm pretty freaked out and considering getting in touch with the police.

Definitely avoid.

Spaces removed from mobile number.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2015, 04:53:31 pm by Curvygal »