SAAFE forum

General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Reporting (Persistent) Timewasters, Phone & Text Pests => Topic started by: Luciexx on 18 December 2016, 01:01:57 pm

Title: TW - blame shifting, persistent texts / messages, abuse, possibly a known TW
Post by: Luciexx on 18 December 2016, 01:01:57 pm
There was something very odd about this Lanc man from the very start.   He tries to book for long hours.  Then he sent me numerous texts/messages on my voicemail. He talks about his mother he was going to take out initially, tried to call me late at night with leaving numerous messages in the patronising tone of his voice on the voicemail and in his messages.  He asked me to wait for his call between such and such time and mysteriously, he never calls but he manages to bombard with texts and messages at other times (when I was unable to respond).  Clearly, this was sending me a loud warning.  Once I told him that "we are not a good match", he suddenly starts abusive and shifts blame on me as I was an idiot who couldn't even deal with him fast.  I did wait for him to call me when he asked me to and it was his choice not to do so.    I gave up and here is his number.  This character could be a man, who has been operating in Lanc area. There's a very passive aggressive/patronising tone in his every single message.  Potentially, the wg hater /mysogynist, who targets escorts by messing us around.  Just be careful, ladies.

Title: Re: TW - blame shifting, persistent texts / messages, abuse, possibly a known TW
Post by: Gypsy on 25 December 2016, 02:26:03 pm
Hi, sorry you have to deal with this idiot. What area of Lancashire?