I dont usually get bothered by timewasters and no shows because I dont have that many but this guy really pissed me off yesterday
I needed to go to the bank and as I was locking my door to leave he calls and asks if he can make a booking as he was in the area and could be at my place in 10/15mins ( I have seen him once before in Oct this year and it went fine) I was hesitant and told him I was on my way out and I would be available in an hour but he pleaded and said he was close by so I went back inside my flat and waited........ 20mins go by and i text him and ask if he is close , he replies and says he is running late and would be with me in 10mins......... Another 15mins go by and I call him and he says just another 10mins please... At this time im slowly boiling because the banks close at 3pm and it was now 2:15pm and i really didnt want to rush him or be preoccupied during the booking.
At 2:30pm I call him to actually cancel the booking and he cuts me off
I get dressed and text him saying i have left my flat .....he didnt/ has not bothered to reply or apologise.... just nothing.....
I just dont understand why people lack manners, its one thing bumping me off but what really irritated me was saying he was on his way and stringing me along.
To make matters worse by the time i rushed down to the bank , there was a longish line and I didnt get to do what I needed to do
He is a British Indian Asian, slim build , average height , im guessing between 27 -35 years old....... when i met him had full head of hair and beard
His mobile number is 077764135**
Hope he doesnt get to waste anyone elses time ...Rant over