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Author Topic: Glasgow idiot to avoid!!  (Read 784 times)


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Glasgow idiot to avoid!!
« on: 11 August 2013, 07:15:23 pm »
Sends texts for a booking (text speak, really bad text speak) I thought I might have known him since he originally referred to me as "Buddy" turns out I don't but he has been sending me about 45 minutes worth of horrible messages (not so much abuse) but really disrespectful texts, says I am boring and my services are boring and that he's not interested in reading profiles as its a load of shite and he's not wasting his life reading it.

If you don't care who you do and don't see, he might not be much of a threat as he hasn't quite sent abuse to the levels of what I am used to but he's definitely not the sort of person I would ever want any where near me, he has no respect what so ever.

He said that I am a discredit to my profession and that I am an arse because I have a procedure (obviously he doesn't like rules so I'd hate to think what he's be like in person)

His number is 075495268** PM me for the full number xx

P.S Its my flippin day off today and the first 2 words of my profile are "BACK MONDAY" he couldn't even read that lol.