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Author Topic: Timewaster/Possible EMAIL SCAM...  (Read 4111 times)


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Timewaster/Possible EMAIL SCAM...
« on: 31 October 2010, 09:00:21 pm »
Hello ladies  :)

I've recently started escorting but got this email about a week ago.  I get a feeling that he's obviously someone who knows when a 'newbie' arrives on the scene and targets them using a 'theme' of some kind. With me: black escort.

I have cut and paste the emails he sent me and the replies I sent him. I haven't heard from him since but thought it would be a good idea to warn others who may have received the same email from him.

Fleur x

1st Email:

Hi Fleur,
Hopefully you can help me.
I am an entrepreneur who wants to develop an online directory of black escorts in the UK and US.
Admittedly this is quite a specialist directory but nobody has done it properly.
I am an entrepreneur who likes looking at niches and seeing if there is potential.
I really do believe that a black escort directory's time has come.
There are enough escort directories but none for the black escort that covers the UK and the US. Instead potential clients have to filiter searches on sites like Adultwork, Vivastreet and that is less than satisfactory. Also it means that clients see the competition on these sites and while searching may change their mind.
It is important to consider revenue streams from advertising and there are porn sites that specialise in black women. These porn sites would hopefully be interested in advertising on a Directory that brings black escorts and their clients together.
Of course; the way forward is to offer something better and cheaper than what is on offer now. So charging less than Adultwork etc is the best way.
I hope that this gives you some indication as to what I am looking to do and I really hope that we can work together on this.
Kind regards
Lucius xxx

My 1st Reply:

Hi Lucius
Thank you for your recent email.
I think your idea is a good one but have one question for you: How can I be of any help to you?
Kind Regards

His 2nd Reply

Hi Fleur,
Thank you for your reply.
Out of all the black escorts in the southwest you seem to be the most switched on about how to promote yourself to clients. This means that you are entrepreneurial and creative. I am sure you don't need me to tell you that!
I want a partner who has no other commitments but making money through developing the Directory.
Promoting it to clients is the easy part but promoting it to escorts who already use Vivastreet, Punterlink, Eros, Tradeit, Birchplace, Adultwork etc is the more difficult part and it will need a combination of experience and trust. It will involve telephone calls & personal e-mails from you that sell the benefits and value of the only Directory to advertise black female escorts throughout the UK.
The good thing though is it will not just stop there. We can work together on creating other niche Directories and that's when it will get really lucrative.
I hope that explains things a bit better and I really hope that we can work together on this.
Take care

My 2nd Reply:

It's a polite, thanks but no thanks from me Lucius.
Good luck with your venture. I wish you well.