dont believe this man when he calls.messed me around for 2 hours..then mocked me.
a man calls me up with a friendly manner,sounded old ish really polite.
books me for 12 dinner time,this is at 9 in morning..told him to confirm by 11 he did.
when 12 comes no sign of i just left it..i was annoyed as i told another gent he couldnt come..but decided to leave just incase he was genuine..
12.40 gets a call.its him..are you still free!!
i tried to keep my cool and be nice as to not lose him incase he had been held up..
i politly said you could of called?lost a booking."never mind"
im sorry he said didnt realise on my way now "really sorry"no worries see you soon..
get a text at 1..i will be ten mins wont be long sorry love..
20 minute go by..i text how long?im just at roundabout 5 mins..
im getting really peed off by now!
waited another 10 mins
can you let me know where you are please i send another text. nothing.
then i get a text after i get dressed maybe another 10 mins later not sure how long i was that angry!
just blank with an exclamation mark. !!
i put what is you game? another 3 blank texts..
i rang on another number..he ansewed..what the hell are you playing at?
he laughed and put phone down.
this guy went out of his way to come across as a genuine customer..i really dont understand why he went to such lenghs..
i was really polite to him in no way did i deserve this treatment..
i think he is the type to do in any area not just everyone jot down number,077816180*** pm for full number,never left a warning before but noticed people never write full number not sure why..but there must be a reason.