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Author Topic: Timewaster, possible stalker  (Read 2991 times)


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Timewaster, possible stalker
« on: 03 February 2011, 03:51:36 pm »
This isn't going to sound like much because it's all texts and of course we can ignore those, but sometimes they can be difficult to do so when it feels like a personal attack.

I've been stalked by text for almost 2 years by this guy. He claims to have had one short booking with me, he might have from what he says about the meeting. He's scottish and operates in Cumbria, North East, Border region but I have reason to believe he comes further south too. I also have an idea I'm not the only one he's been badgering. Anyway his texts can seem quite normal, asking for a booking and do I want to see him?to out and out insults. Sometimes he's copied and pasted images or text from my website, and/or regional forums into an MMS. He was to call on the day to arrange a booking at first(when he wasn't too bad), and a few times I took the day off or just wasn't available. So then started the "You don't want to see me" texts. Anyway I finally told him to stop texting me but he just went on and on. Ranged from saying he loved me, to slagging me off. The latter when I wouldn't respond to his earlier texts.

Last December I awoke to see a "help me" text and I just rang him direct, told him what he was doing was classed as harassment and he obviously had a problem. I said it wasn't impressing anyone and would more than likely end him in trouble with the law if he carried on.

This shut him up for 6 weeks, then he contacted me using a different number this week. I knew it was him by the tone of his simple text message, and he confirmed it today when I said I thought he was sounding like my previous stalker he then went on to say "will you see me again" giving the same distinctive details for an appointment.

His numbers are


I'm not afraid to phone him again and tell him what's what, sometimes I think a firm voice is often quite effective but he doesn't appear to be picking up today!

Completely unstable I'd say from his chopping and changing. It's a pity people like this don't see how what they are doing is wrong.

If anyone would like his full numbers(I think the first one isn't working any more), I'm happy to supply via PM.


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Re: Timewaster, possible stalker
« Reply #1 on: 03 February 2011, 09:42:44 pm »
Gosh strawberry  ??? sorry to read about this.
2 years? hmmn.. that's a long time for someone to play a sick game.  Hats off to you for staying strong and composed.

Please PM me the numbers, thanks :)
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

Needing someone is like needing a parachute.
If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: Timewaster, possible stalker
« Reply #2 on: 11 February 2011, 05:14:38 pm »
Can you report him to the police? He sounds a sick puppy to me.

Luv Kate xx


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Re: Timewaster, possible stalker
« Reply #3 on: 25 February 2011, 07:09:22 pm »
He sounds like a nutcase to me too.  :o  How terrible for you, though good on you for staying strong, and for not letting him get you in the nutty farm along with him.

Is there anychance your phone can block certain numbers who call and text? Mine does, which has been a good help at times.

Good luck with this horrid situation and take care of yourself. x


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Re: Timewaster, possible stalker
« Reply #4 on: 04 March 2011, 02:23:44 pm »
Unfortunately the police usually just tell you to block the texts or change the number. I now have software on my phone which blocks calls, but not texts.


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Re: Timewaster, possible stalker
« Reply #5 on: 25 April 2011, 07:20:50 pm »
This guy is at it again, now with a new number 075103804**. Same rambling, very indentifying texts which are reasonably personal and quite stalkerish.