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Author Topic: Uses Alter-Ego to cancel, using Discrimatory terms. Manchester.  (Read 560 times)


  • Sr. Member
  • ****
  • Posts: 960
This Client is known to me and, although having mild learning disabilities, has always been a fairly decent Client (if you turn a blind eye to a few little nuances)

However, he has recently taken to making an advanced booking (earlier in the day) with seemingly the sole intention of then cancelling via his alter ego "Support Worker".
 He leaves prolonged and multiple voicemails using a dodgy Scottish Accent and a whole fantasy back-story on how I must not darken the door of himself his client " for Sex and I must leave him alone etc. How I am endangering" his Clients" health for my sex and to stop calling him (never have)

It's laughably pathetic and I have called him out on it, but incase he's making a habit of it and worrying newer Escorts, feel free to contact me for full details.
Uses Vivastreet mainly.
Manchester/Warrington outskirts:07498818**

Edit to add: Yes, the "support worker" uses this same number to warn you away also.  ::)
« Last Edit: 21 November 2020, 07:06:45 pm by Phoenix »