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Author Topic: Timewaster numbers, escort address collector ? [Stratford]  (Read 1663 times)


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Timewaster numbers, escort address collector ? [Stratford]
« on: 17 April 2013, 11:35:10 pm »
Hi I have noticed that this section of the forum is more about dangerous individuals, or offenders tel numbers.
Wonder how to classiy what happened today...
Nothing Major, but i guess worthy to note.

Today i had a guy coming, but before he came, he asked me if i was living alone,
british/white/35yo/glasses/smoker/6feet/brown eyes/carrying small black lather bag
tel: 07878 2155**
i got suspicious, then he spoke nicely, seemed genuine and i let him in, however (called 2 friends just nearby as a safety measure, and they were waiting down in the lounge, not seen by him, of course), after less than 5 min
being in the flat, the guy found a sms excuse and left "". There was no sms of course.
Now am excluding that he did not like me, because he saw my photos, but just in case I would like to note the number as a timewaster, or an escorts address collector, or any category suitable for this kind of behavior.
I am aware here is only for posting numbers therefore i will ask my question in another thread.

title edited for clarity

« Last Edit: 18 April 2013, 02:53:09 pm by Daisy_ »