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Author Topic: LONDON wierdo  (Read 368 times)


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LONDON wierdo
« on: 24 January 2019, 09:27:43 pm »
this  guy  try contacted  me  few times  always   don't respecting  any of   my rules  calling  30  times  within  15 min ..   even tried  face time  ... sending a  lot  of  messages  if  i don't  answer  because I'm  busy   he will keep  txting  me ...   well  i blocked  him .... after  he contacted me on  whats  app same calls   txt  and how i don't understand him  because he  its :  The most educated  person i  world (exactly his    words  ) blocked  again

fast  forward to  few days ago i received email on aw .,, asking  form my avaibiity  and  next  3 emails  from  the same person asking  why  i do have off phone and  why  i don't answer his  txt messages ..  and last  one call me asap  and his  number .. well  this put me off  but i check  the number  and guess what... 

since then he send  me  at least 30  emails .. still claiming  how  clean, amazing  he  its and how i don't understand ..

Last email   from him  Date:   24/01/2019 21:17
From:   Frozmin (3) Profile  View All
Subject:   Re: Hello

Or viva dont remember where from
You're a crazy person did you know that?
Why the fucking you're so afraid
Have you been abused in your life?
You can contact who the fuck you want I am bot afraid dont be silly I could put someone to contact you and met you and then I will show up and you can tell me how much psyho i am
Dont be lame and do not threating me for nothing
I have't done nothing to you to insulte me but if you keep pushing the limits you'll know my wrath so dont be stupid
A bitch I know you are but not stupid please.

his aw   FROZMIN


number 074757911**
Im looking  for apartment  in London