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Author Topic: Timewaster London who actually paid a deposit!  (Read 1901 times)


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Timewaster London who actually paid a deposit!
« on: 05 March 2012, 09:36:14 pm »
Name of Bahaa and phoned from 097 number (pm for full number).  Strong eastern accent but spoke English well.

This guy emailed me last year for an out call to London Hotel but I wasnt available when he wanted it.  He then phoned me last week saying he was in London for a few days and could myself and a girlfriend visit him in a five star Kensington Hotel.  He wanted two to three hours, had foot fetish, wanted us to take a couple of pairs of shoes and he said he would also buy us some shoes along with nice underwear.  This did make my timewaster alarm bell start to ring.  I made the arrangements with my girlfriend and emailed him (which was the same as he emailed me on last year) to say I would need ?100 deposit via Amazon voucher by 9.30 am on the day of the booking and that by 4.30 pm on the day he had to be booked into the hotel so that I could do my security checks. 

He text me to say that he could not open the email and for me to send the info via SMS.  I asked for another email address as there was too much information to send via SMS.  After about an hour he texts to say he has managed to open the email and all is fine with my requests.  Later in the day he texts to say he is having problems with Amazon and that he will pay us more money when we arrive, but please do still come.  I firmly tell him that I need the deposit or we wont be coming.  He then manages to pay the deposit. This then made me think that he was genuine.

The next day which is the day of the booking I receive no information from him with reference to his booking reference and his room number by the time requested.  I phone and leave a voicemail and I also text him.  No answer to either.

I think this guy would have got off on the fact we would have thought this was a genuine booking and have left to travel to London to see him in the hotel.  And he wouldnt be there.

If you would like his email address and full phone number please pm me or email me.



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Re: Timewaster London who actually paid a deposit!
« Reply #1 on: 05 March 2012, 10:29:24 pm »
If he failed to confirm, is he a timewaster or did he just get busy on the day? Isn't the whole point of the confirmation to check that you *both* want to go ahead on the day? So if one of you doesn't confirm, the other can then get on with making alternative arrangements for themselves without too much bother?

To be honest, if he paid you a ?100 deposit and didn't actually waste any of your time - cos it's not like he confirmed and then vanished - I really don't think he comes under even the slightest sort of "bad client" heading?

In fact... could you give him my number? ;D

Sorry - back on a serious note: If you're using a confirmation system like ours (sounds like it's the same one I use because I do believe I nicked it from you years ago - I owe you a huge thanks there!) then the appointment isn't confirmed until, well, it's confirmed. So a timewaster can't actually waste your time unless he confirms and then disappears, right?

Apologies for my pickiness here but I just don't see what this guy did wrong? If I'm missing something key, explain and I'll remove my post. Otherwise, I'll have to remove the whole thread because both warnings sections are for serious trouble-makers or worse only. :)
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Re: Timewaster London who actually paid a deposit!
« Reply #2 on: 05 March 2012, 10:53:21 pm »
I can understand what you are saying Emily but this guy screamed timewaster to me and then confused me by paying a deposit and then proved to be a timewaster.

The signs for me were:  Wanting to buy us shoes and expensive lingerie, wanting to pay us more when we arrive as he couldnt pay the deposit, told me he couldnt open the email which he then did so within half an hour of me informing him it contained detailed information for his booking,pleading texts to arrange a third lady (I wasnt going to involve a third lady as I really felt he was messing me about)  told me the five star hotel he had booked but didnt give me a reference number or confirm once booked into the hotel as requested, wanting a  weird roleplay (his words) but wouldnt let me know what it was, and my gut feeling that this all just didnt add up.  Also that he hasnt contacted me at all in response to my voicemail and texts.  I would have thought if a genuine client who paid a deposit and then needed to cancel for whatever reason he would have let me know somehow by now.

I think he paid the deposit as I insisted or his booking would not be secured.  I honestly believe he had no intention of carrying out this booking and is just a fantasist.

Of course I could be wrong, but then if other ladies have this information and they contact them, at least they can make up their own minds if he uses the same MO.

« Last Edit: 05 March 2012, 10:58:53 pm by Penny »


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Re: Timewaster London who actually paid a deposit!
« Reply #3 on: 06 March 2012, 08:43:53 am »
Yes, he certainly did display all the signs of a timewaster.

I suppose I can leave this thread here as an example to newbies of what to watch out for, plus an example of the importance of setting confirmation procedures and taking deposits if in doubt. Not to mention the importance of listening to your gut instinct and never being afraid to take a booking request with a grain (/boulder) of salt.

I still think the overall story here is a pretty good one, though. Weird guy contacts prossie, she knows immediately that he's trying to waste her time so insists on a deposit, he mithers a bit but pays her ?100 and then stops bothering her completely. Result!

As I said - send him my way next time. ;)
Disclosure: The other person behind