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Author Topic: Abusive male Cheshire/Chester area  (Read 1326 times)


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Abusive male Cheshire/Chester area
« on: 31 May 2012, 12:09:08 pm »
Hi ladies

New to this site, albeit I have been escorting just over a year, apologies if any of this is posted incorrectly! Please let me know  :)

Had only a couple of bad experiences (a guy booked me from my day job....eeeek, awkward AND he was the office weirdo!! Creep did a runner, lol). However, I have been contacted yesterday by a guy for a car meet ( I am very wary of these and very picky about my clients), he has been very pleasant texting, making arrangements is straight forward and he doesn't lure you into a million questions of text talk (you know what I mean ::).
Then around an hour or so before the planned meet time he will pop a text like the one i received yesterday "You'll do bareback for the ?90 won't u?", to which i replied, "It clearly states on my profile (AW) that I do not  do bareback and to not even request this service". To which he then replied "Yeah but your just a whore aint ya so u won't mind ye?" My response "Yes, I am a whore, but not a stupid one. Suggest you leave me alone". Well this was the start of an absolute barrage of abuse in which I was called "a stupid crack whore who lives in a den" Told to "grow some tits u fuck*n tranny", "HIV written all over your stinkin pussy". Oh and "i'll be meetin ye soon, lmfao and your torso will be in a gutter" (Plenty more in between but those were the faves!!). Luckily, very supportive hubby jumps in and gave him a call ;D, well, this guy sounds like a complete ranting psycho.. (my hubby works in mental health!!), He has a light scouse accent, sounds in his 40's, pretty deep voice. He then threatened my husband and wanted our address so he could pop round and pay us a visit, haha yeah right! Besides wouldn't stand a chance the idiot.... really if you can only bully women by text your not really a man :P (as also explained to him).
Although I don't think he'd have the bottle too meet anyone, just a feeling I get, think he's purely a text pest. It does make you wonder why they bother though and if he would ever get the guts up to meet and "harm" a WG as he obviously has thought about and clearly spells out.
So at the moment we'll label him as a Timewasting Psycho Loser, at the end of the day we all need to feel safe out there and you don't want idiots like that making us feel uneasy. As for the texts, it's just words from a loser, but we don't need to hear it!! >:(
He contacted me on this number... 074282982**. Would recommend you ignore. He's illiterate and seems to end quite a few of his texts with "ye" so may flag up if you notice that.
Stay safe ladies and have a good week!  :)
Lou xxx
There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way.