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Author Topic: Strange Caller obsessed with fakeness/empathy, gets abusive, Cotswolds  (Read 300 times)


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I hesitated about reporting this guy but I found out he’s done something similar to another escort.

Strange call from a guy claiming to be a first timer but clearly hadn’t read much on my profile except for one thing, he was obsessed with the fact my profile seemed more real than others. He rambled on whilst I tried to cut in and get him to get to the point. Saying how many profiles offered a fake experience and I said what had that to do with me and he said yours isn’t like that, it doesn’t say ‘fuck me for X pounds’

Well his attitude got my back up by this point and I said I couldn’t see him and he said oh forget it and hung up on me. Then sent a text saying ‘no deal you just reinforced that it would be fake, zero empathy‘

I then acted completely out of character and phoned him up saying he was out of order and acting strangely he got abusive and hung up on me again. I sent a text saying he was the one with the issues not me and left it at that.

He is totally obsessed with escorts providing a real service and once I had said no he couldn’t take it and threw his toys out of the pram.

His number is 079767500**