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Author Topic: Skegness potential time waster  (Read 435 times)


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Skegness potential time waster
« on: 21 May 2021, 08:51:52 pm »
Just been playing WhatsApp tennis all day with this one, sending images of himself and a caravan asking for a night away. Claims to be called Brian. Asked for reminder of my details then claimed he could access it. Advised wasn’t going to do an overnight on first booking as could be an axe murder. Asked for hour and half then two (travel time 4 hours round trip.)

Something didn’t seem right asked for name and occupation to verify who he was. Didn’t want to give this out. Again asked me to come over if I changed my mind. Told I can choose my clients and I need to see details. His response it up to you.

Could potentially be linked to the other person around Derbyshire as a lot of common items in the thread.

Number is +4474376151**

Note for admins: sorry not enough evidence to add to the other thread. No mention of his actually job hence having this as separate

[spaces removed from number]
« Last Edit: 22 May 2021, 08:32:20 am by amy »