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Author Topic: Threatening Texter (and not the kind you draw with)  (Read 726 times)


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Threatening Texter (and not the kind you draw with)
« on: 04 October 2013, 03:07:22 pm »
This nasty piece of work sent a text requesting a booking, told him to call, and when he did, I did not get a good vibe from him so declined with my 'sorry, unavailable routine'  he then sent about 30 threatening messages within the space of of 15 minutes and is still at it some 2 hours later.

He is in the Clapham Junction area and his mobile number is 075577612**  apparently he would like me to suffer with all the stds and misery that comes with the job, mmmm someones got a few issues.

Keeps going about Karma and how Karma will catch up with me and he is that Karma and he will catch up with me, right.  Wanker!