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Author Topic: Strange Odd Request Bordering On Sick Worcestershire Area....  (Read 930 times)


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Strange Odd Request Bordering On Sick Worcestershire Area....
« on: 14 September 2013, 09:52:50 am »
Some weeks back I started to receive texts from a guy with what I would call quite a sick request,he wanted to do a brother and sister role play that consisted of incest role play....
He wanted to pretend he was with his sister and had been caught by her  masturbating over her underwear then wanted role play of his sister abusing him and that he wanted me to play that role of his sister...
When I refused he started ranting on that he was abused and needed to do this in order to help him get over his actual abuse needless to say alarm bells rang and it made me uncomfortable..
I refused to see him and that's my personal choice..

With all due respect to do such a role play goes against the grain of my brain so I refused..
He started with texting but after dozens of texts  I ended up blocking the guy and ignoring him..
But he just doesn't seem to take no for an answer. He has persistently text me and called me over the last few weekends and last night started again at 1.30 this morning ringing and texting from 2 numbers.

I have no idea of his exact location just know it is local to me in the Worcestershire south midlands area. Neither do I have his name

The 2 numbers are 077463247** and 079352431**
Texts and calls continued till 5am this morning..
He continued through the small hours and I woke up to dozens of messages this morning in my spam box.
Odd strange guy can't make my mind up if he is mental issues to be fair
« Last Edit: 14 September 2013, 09:57:33 am by Nikitamids »