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Author Topic: South East (possibly?) arrogant time-waster and boundary-pusher  (Read 1413 times)

Ruby Reid And Alex

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We've heard from this guy for a few days - typical back-and-forth timewaster stuff, he hasn't given a phone number but his email address is:
Which presumably means that his name is Tony S*******

Basically he started off fine, but soon started boundary pushing and demanding that we offer services that aren't on our profile / complaining when we said that we didn't offer those services. He also used our profile against us, quoting sections and taking it out of context, as well as commenting on what other SPs do as a sly way of getting us to offer more.

Finally on the day of the booking, he emailed us 13 mins into when the booked should have started and left a quite rude message saying about how he doesn't think Amy would give him the desired level of satisfaction, blah blah - he was never aggressive or nasty but just manipulative, douchy and an obvious time-waster and boundary pusher.

For more info we've made a How Not To Book An Escort, World Championships post about him.

Anyway, if you want his full email just let me know. Sadly we don't have a phone number from him.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2012, 01:48:58 pm by SexyBiAmy & James »


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Re: South East (possibly?) arrogant time-waster and boundary-pusher
« Reply #1 on: 03 October 2012, 01:10:15 pm »
Folks, posting information about an persistant timewaster and no-shower is exactly what this part of the forum is for, but please try to keep it concise and stick to facts - if you want to offer your personal interpretation of his correspondence (and let off a bit of steam about how irritating it is, which it obviously is), please do so in the HNTBAE thread. Your opinion of this man and his supposed intentions doesn't offer anything to people reading the warning, and we do need to keep this section relevant for those using it.

Ruby Reid And Alex

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Re: South East (possibly?) arrogant time-waster and boundary-pusher
« Reply #2 on: 03 October 2012, 01:51:39 pm »
No worries Amy - I've edited the post above to make it shorter, hopefully that's ok - it's difficult to quote facts with this guy as he was never actually aggressive or nasty, just a really creepy kind of guy who gets under your skin. The main point I guess is that's he's a time-waster (message ping-pong), no-show, and boundary pusher. Maybe he was trying to see how many shitlist elements he could fit into one booking attempt, hah!