Warning: This man is a serial text and email pest. He mad a booking in November then cancelled last minute, made another booking then cancelled within the hour because it was raining. I went into AW to leave him notes and saw that he had made bookings with other sex workers at the same time and used the 'raining' excuse with all of them (haha, then they all left notes! ). He then text me to tell me that he books lots of sex workers so he can pick and choose .... even used going shopping with his sister as a bullshit excuse.
He has 39 positive feedback comments, and in his initial email will say check his feedback as he is genuine. Please read his notes
His AW profile is Paulie999
His mobile number is: 077924199**
He just emailed again all polite asking what my hours were over Christmas. I checked all the emails he has sent via AW and there are a lot trying for a booking since April. I guess time wasters have no one to spend Christmas with.