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Author Topic: Kingston/Richmond timewaster & address collector  (Read 784 times)


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Kingston/Richmond timewaster & address collector
« on: 31 October 2012, 06:41:49 pm »
This guy has contacted me a while ago, made a booking, I asked him to call back at a specified time to confirm the appointment and get the postcode. He didn't, and I accepted a booking from somebody else instead. A few hours later he started texting me "I'm outside, what's your room number?", I just ignored it, because he never got my address in the first place. I thought that he probably booked many girls that day and got confused.

Today he gave me another call to arrange. I reluctantly agreed, but told him again to call and confirm 30min before the meeting. He was trying to make a guess as to where I might be located, jokingly asking "are you at xxx hotel, or maybe the xxxx (another hotel in the area)?". I just said: 'I will tell you my location once you confirm that you're on your way' and we left it a that. He confirmed, I gave him the hotel name. Now I know for a fact that he showed up, because not only did I see him standing outside the building, but I could also hear him talk to me on the phone (I had the window open). He asked for my room number, so I gave it to him. At that point he made up some BS about the main door being locked and walked away!

I don't think he's dangerous, but the constant pestering for my address, followed by him running off AFTER being told the room number made me feel uneasy.

His number: 077915666**

PM me for the full number.
Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.