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Author Topic: Portsmouth - Abusive over the phone - TW  (Read 350 times)


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Portsmouth - Abusive over the phone - TW
« on: 16 November 2020, 11:40:58 pm »
Had a call from a young sounding man (who said he had a friend with him) who kept asking lots of questions that were listed on my profile, so I kept saying 'That's listed on my profile', 'That is listed on there too'
And he said in an angry voice 'well why cant you tell me now' and I said 'I am happy to of course, but can you appreciate how infuriating it is if 20 different people ask you the same thing every day? get a bit tiring'

He immediately hurled abuse at me, calling me a 'fat ugly bitch' among other nasty insults, then changed his tune very quickly saying 'you could've made some money tonight' so at this point I was riled up so I said 'yeah well you don't exactly sound like the kind of person I am looking to meet so no thanks' and he proceeded to hurl more abuse at me before hanging up

Beware - sounded so aggressive I started shaking!

079604344** - PORTSMOUTH
“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.”