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Author Topic: Gloucester timewaster/piss taker/address collector  (Read 1702 times)


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Gloucester timewaster/piss taker/address collector
« on: 17 June 2011, 12:13:06 pm »
Name - Paul
Number - 077805016**

last time i was in gloucester this guy booked me for 15mins then at the appointment time text (grrrrr) me to say he didnt have my full rate would i still see him, (i was soooo pee'd off as i had some call for an hour at 12pm as well and had to decline because this guy was already booked in) i told him no and if he didnt have my fee to stop contacting me, which he did...............

So now im back in gloucester and this guy starts calling me again requesting 15mins (i know i should have ignored his calls!!), i say ok he says he going to call back with a specific time he can be here. then the texts start again "can you give me hand relief for ?30" "thats all i have" "would love to see you tonight" "do you see black guys" "cant you help a brother out" (wtf because were both black you're my 'brother' and i should give you discount??? errrr no!!! in fact HELL TO THA NAH (since we're playing the race card!))
I text him back saying "paul (i had remembered his name from the last time he called me, but i dont think he cottoned on) if you were in the supermarket would you try and buy something from there for half the price?"
he text back "ok i understand"
that's the end of that.................

or so i thought
another text recieved "got 40 any good?" o.O unless ?40 is ?45 then NO! then again i said " unless you have my fee can you stop contacting me"
which he did...........

call received this morning "hi dionne can i come and see you today?" (again i know i know i shouldnt have answered!!!!!)
me "do you have ?45?"
him "yes i have the money now, can i come and see you?"
me "yes, you can com for 11:30 (silly silly silly girl!!!)
I then gave him the detail of a nearby pub and "im two mins from there, call me when you get there and i will direct you"
him "ok see you soon"

call recieved at 11:08 (22 mins before appointment time) "hi dionne im at the *pub* now"
me "ok, you know your booking is at 11:30 dont you?"
him "oh..............erm.... i thought you meant get there before 11:30??"
me "no i said 11:30 not 20 min before or 20 mins after" (by this time i was beyond pee'd off, im not usually this rude!! :(
him "ok ill call you nearer the time"

then call received at 11:25, gave him the directions asked what car make/colour he was driving blah blah blah.
I was standing at the top window when he first drove down the road (its a cul de sac) he drove down really slowly all the way to the bottom then back up, did a u turn then called me (dodgy, right?)

i said to him "yes i can see you, you need to park up behind *car* and ill open the door"
he said "is it number *house*?"
i said "no but you need to park up behind *car*
he said "ok"

he then got out of the car  ::) and proceeded to walk towards *car*

the wg im staying with opened the door for him while i was in the working bedroom and he got half way up the stairs and said "actually can i leave it?" and left.

after all that!!!

his personal description is : black guy maybe around 5tf8-10, average build, short shaved hair. had on blue work clothes/overalls and white trainers.

Abigail thinks that he maybe wanted to see who was here/scope the property out. just as well i wasnt hre by myself!

Please pm for full number/car make/model/colour and if you know any wg's in the gloucester/chelthenham area please show them this.


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Re: Gloucester timewaster/piss taker/address collector
« Reply #1 on: 14 July 2011, 03:44:40 pm »
This guy has credit on his phone again!!! grrrrr!!

text received "how much for golden showers"

me "I dont do golden showers at all"

him "how much for hand relief"

me "are we really going to do this again? you know what my fee is and last time you came over you came up the stairs then left. please dont bother wasting anymore of your own and my time"

him "oh that one, i wanted to spend some of my lottery winnings" 

me " oh well i'm sure another girl in the area would be more than happy to waste her time texting you back and forth on the off chance that you will make a booking with her at some point in the near future. but not this one sorry i have to deal with enough silly men in my personal life than to have to deal with them in my professional life as well. congrats on the lottery win by the way"

him "why dont you get a proper job"

me " why dont you get a proper job or if you have one go and do it have you nothing better to do than to harass girls you cant afford to have sex with? you dont know the first thing about me so please dont make judgements just because you've seen my tits on the internet"

him"sisters dont need to do this"

I dont know how many times I have to tell this guy that im not his sister!
(i know i shouldnt have text him back in the first place!)


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Re: Gloucester timewaster/piss taker/address collector
« Reply #2 on: 14 June 2019, 05:03:42 pm »
This guy seems to be still doing the rounds. As soon as I said to call me for location he said he will go elsewhere. I always speak to guys on the phone to suss them out. If it’s too much to ask then I don’t see them.


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Re: Gloucester timewaster/piss taker/address collector
« Reply #3 on: 11 January 2022, 09:29:32 pm »
Yeah cool*** has wasted my time before. 1st time I met we agreed 11.30. At 11.05 I was upstairs getting ready whilst my phone was charging downstairs. He called obviously I wasn't expecting him to be 25 minutes early. He then sent me shitty texts saying I was racist (I had no idea at this point as to his ethnicity and nor does a black man bother me). Being too nice I let him come anyway, just a 15 minute owo. Since initial meeting constantly wastes my times (emailing on AW) saying available in eg 15-20 minutes time, dude I am not sat on the emails all day, give me a bit of notice! Kept asking for discount. I put my rates up but as I'd seen him before I said I'd see him for £50. Asked if he could have a levels for free. When I moved house I decided I didn't want to do 15 minute bookings anymore and coolcat is not able to afford longer bookings thankfully.