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Author Topic: Extremely nasty abusive guy via Text, Birmingham  (Read 445 times)


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Extremely nasty abusive guy via Text, Birmingham
« on: 21 August 2020, 07:29:19 pm »
I had a text just now asking to set up a booking. I asked him to call. He did but barely spoke for 2 minutes saying his wife was there. Then proceeded to try and arrange by text.

I already didn’t like his attitude and said forget it, those who really want see me can find a way to call.

He then proceeded to send a string of nasty abusive texts. I called just to say stop this abuse as it was just non stop.

He carried on and I said one more text and I call the police. He eventually sent what I’d call a non apology but really he was just asking me to delete the number. I said I think I will keep it, thanks in case you try this again, then blocked him.

His texts called me a drunk bitch, a druggie, a timewasting bitch (what a joke) a boring shag and so on.

Really shook me up, I feel he has done this before. All because I asked him to call and said no to him.

Number is 0737666752*


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Re: Extremely nasty abusive guy via Text, Birmingham
« Reply #1 on: 22 August 2020, 02:07:10 pm »
I heard from another escort in Birmingham that this guy has been busy targeting escorts and being abusive in communication a if he doesn't get his own way.