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Author Topic: Harassment and threats to Eastern European escorts [West Midlands]  (Read 495 times)


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Just to warn all the Eastern European escorts in the West Midlands. The individual messaged me weeks ago asking if I f*ck older men but let it hanging. A couple of days ago I was contacted by the same person trying to make a booking. After I confirmed I’m happy to see him, he began unprovoked rants about Eastern  Europeans draining the welfare system and why don’t I just go back where I belong doing escorting there. Having been living here for 10 years working normal jobs and paying taxes without taking a penny in benefits, I was having none of that and told him I’m not gonna see him. After that I booked the number: +4474013930**
He contacted me again today from a different number (+4477966541**) saying that I made a “big mistake” blocking his other number. Just now he contacted me from the first number, starting off nicely complimenting my shoes. He said: I thought you blocked me. And I asked, are you the same guy who ranted to me about Eastern European escorts and how we need to go back home? Response: “you can go back home in a f*cking body bag”. He later unblocked stating that “I hope the money you make is worth the considerable risks” and “I just hate wh*res like you”.

I’d dismiss the idiot as just that, however, he threatened that he is going to make a booking with me from a different number (saying how easy it is to get a 99p sim). I’m rather concerned to take bookings. Anyone with any more information about “ANDREW” number ending [redacted] is welcome to come forward.

I’m not sure what to do, I’d like to report that somewhere??

[Title edited for clarity/location added, moved to correct section, mobile numbers censored/formatted according to board rules - please read these before posting here]
« Last Edit: 15 April 2019, 11:18:16 pm by amy »