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Author Topic: London tw - Bill  (Read 1167 times)


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    • Jemma Fox London Escort
London tw - Bill
« on: 16 August 2011, 06:10:24 pm »

My first ever timewaster in a year of working!  Grrr...  He sounds Irish, very polite on the phone, no is 078890907** 

Says he found me on (have written another thread about that) so asked some details and I said I would text him my website so he could see pics etc.  He then called to book and I gave him a landmark for parking.  Later he asked by text if I could send him a pic as he couldn't access my website.  I said this was not possible.  I then texted to ask if it was correct that he was coming to see my but hadn't seen any pics or had any inclination of my rate? He didn't reply, so I texted to tell him his appointment was off.  Got a call saying he was at my designated place, he had only just got all 3 of my messages through, and he sounded absolutely genuine.  So gave him walking directions to my place, he was saying 'yes I;m at the gate' I said he wasn't - he wanted to know the building name, so I asked what building he was at, he gave me some bollocks name, said he would call back once he had walked back a bit.  So anyway, obviously utter rubbish, and what worries me is that he now pretty much knows which building I live in. 

If you want his full number please PM me. 