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Author Topic: London - books then cancels tw  (Read 1074 times)


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  • American Pin-Up Girl
    • Madison In London
London - books then cancels tw
« on: 08 January 2012, 06:33:02 pm »
Apologies if this person has already been reported. I did try searching for the phone number on here first and got no results, so I will assume he hasn't been reported yet.

He has done this to me twice now: will ring you and want to book for a few days ahead of time, i.e. this time he rung this past Friday and wanted a booking for tomorrow evening. Very nice and polite sounding English gent - no rude behaviour or anything like that. After you confirm the booking with him (I always txt my incall address once I have spoken with them on the phone) - he will start to text you saying things like, " I can't wait for our booking, really looking forward to it", and also both times he asked me (via text) "Is there anything you would like for a small gift?"  etc etc etc. The texts aren't super intrusive, as after two or three he will stop, generally leaving off with something like, "See you then, have a nice weekend".

Then usually the day before he will cancel - he just texted me about 5 mins ago cancelling tomorrow. Now, I can believe that he may very well have genuine reasons for not being able to make the bookings, but as this is the second time he has done it to me, if he ever contacts me in the future, I may mention to him that he has booked and cancelled with me twice, just to see what he may say.

Anywhos, the info I have for him is:

Name: Phil
Number: 078332981**
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