Not sure if this fella has a warning on here (Phone number not bringing anything up) [redacted] he actually first messaged me in September saying he was a cage fighter looking to book 2 hours with me, his first txt to me was “how do you fancy a 6ft 6 mixed race cage fighter on his 30th birthday while his wife is away for the weekend” I didn’t reply so he sent me a picture of what I would describe as a god in just a towel, he said he had been turned down by 3 other girls because he is too big downstairs, I ignored him and that was that, then last night he whats appd me asking could his friend unwrap me for his 30th birthday, I had saved his number under cage fighter and looked for the past messages between us, he sent a pic of 3 white men making a joke that his friend is the good looking one in the photo, I asked if he was in the pic and he said yes so I replied that he had messaged before saying he was mixed raced and had sent a Pic, he said he has mates that might of used his phone, I ignored him after that. [redacted] Major time waster 074938415**
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