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Author Topic: "Timewaster" Fake outcall, possible Entrapment  (Read 1773 times)


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"Timewaster" Fake outcall, possible Entrapment
« on: 07 April 2013, 06:47:58 am »
Well, some times it does happen to few of us having some lifeless people
enjoying messing about with escorts, however this was the worse i got.

Was called by a guy to attend an outcall just nearby my location, in Stratford and as usual
got the text with the full address after the conversation.
It was just a few blocks away from where am located, therefore i did not bother
asking for a landline numer, in case turned out to be a fake, i would just enjoy the walk and stop at Mcdonald to grab one... my fault anyway.
On my arrival at the (not a private house) called him twice but he did not pick up the phone,  meanwhile was
sent a text message with the code to open the door, i then digited the code
got inside, and called again with no answer from him. I received another text
saying, sorry was busy come to the third floor... 
The place was full of cctv and i did not touch anything, and i also rang the bell for the security man, but nobody seemed to be there.
I then called my friend and asked his opinion, and he told me to get out from there as fast as i could, because it could have been a setup or a kinda of entrapment.

When i walked out of the building i got his message saying: "Fake" !!!
Then i replied writing that what he did its illegal, He replied back writing to me, "You are a timewaster, am disappointed"
I guess he wrote the last message to make me think he was really there and i did not attend the appointment, but am pretty sure he was not there. He never answered my calls.
How did this guy know the door code ?

Thinking back, my friend was right because the Faker, somehow made me go into the bulding and then he would  call the police saying that there was a thief in the bulding.
Mhmhm my imagination or real possibilty ?

I am in doubt if to go to the local police station and report what happened by showing his tel number and all the text messages?
Shall i report it all to the National ugly mugs?
Exact Location, name of the bulding, street name not mentioned, but it would be good to know to help others not to fall into the same trap.

HIs tel number with 079477152** / Name Given Amit / British not Anglosaxon group.
Some friends googled his number and found out, it belongs to someone selling cars and other beauty products in Birmingham on the gumtree.... meanwhile further researches on facebook/tellows/yellow pages/business directory, revealed also the face and name of the business owner of the building where i was sent to.

I would not bother if it was a normal fake, but as my face was possibly caught on camera in the building, am considering to take this matter further.

Your opinion much appreciated
Thanks u


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Re: "Timewaster" Fake outcall, possible Entrapment
« Reply #1 on: 07 April 2013, 06:54:10 am »
Jenny, the only reason I'm leaving this thread up is to demonstarte that this is exactly what happens when you don't do your outcall checks before setting off - nobody has broken the law, so there is no possibility of 'entrapment' and the likelihood is that whoever this was was in a nearby flat with a mate or two having a good look and a laugh at you wandering about trying to find them.

Since the Warnings section is not a discussion board, anybody who does want to give their opinion can do so by PM.


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Re: "Timewaster" Fake outcall, possible Entrapment
« Reply #2 on: 07 April 2013, 08:05:22 am »
Thank you Amy,
I learned my lesson for today. :P