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Author Topic: Time Waster/Scary moment - Northampton  (Read 1357 times)


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Time Waster/Scary moment - Northampton
« on: 08 May 2012, 10:31:36 am »
Dear All

I have just found your site after returning to escorting in January and God, what a wonderful place it is.  So proud of all us girls trying to keep each other safe!  Although if I read too many posts I think I might decide to retire again!!

At the beginning of March I had a text from a potential client called Steve who said he was 48 and a virgin and wanted to book for 2 hours.  It did sound a bit odd but he phoned me and we chatted and he sounded ok.  He text me over the next couple of days saying that as it was his first time he wanted it to be really special so he'd pay me extra.  It really didn't feel right and I should have trusted that but as it was a quiet week I agreed to see him but arranged to have a male friend present just in case.  I gave him my postcode and said I'd give him the house number when he was in my road.

He text at the expected time to say he'd arrived so I gave him the house number.  Needless to say nothing happened then!  I text him and asked where he was and he said he was outside watching me and I looked sexy (he couldn't see me) and he was now waiting for his friend to arrive who was going to film us having sex!!!!!!!  I told him that wasn't going to happen and I was cancelling his appointment now as he was obviously a time waster.  He continued to text and ring for about the next three days non stop and I was really scared because I work from home and he had my address.  Then suddenly the texts and phone calls stopped (I ignored them anyway) and I haven't heard from him since.

At the same time I received some texts from a bloke who asked for details then asked if I'd like to be filmed having sex etc.  I'm sure they were all linked.

The bloke making the appointment was called Steve and said he's a fireman.  His number is 07754 6134**.  The other texts about being filmed came from 07722 9670**.

Love to all, Eve x