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Author Topic: List of abusers and timewasters  (Read 2123 times)


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List of abusers and timewasters
« on: 02 June 2011, 09:43:48 pm »
Just joined, got a little list of timewasters and abusers - Guildford area but may target girls all over (as all done by phone, no emails) so here i go:

This man spoke with a northern accent, sounded very legit, said he worked for the bbc, sounded VERY amiable and quite knowledgable. Tried to book me and my hubby for an overnight at ours (i did not give address but advised to a place nearby) confirmed on the day and texted to confirm 2 hours before. His number is : 079036394** After not turning up, he continued to text and call saying he was gay and i must be wrong (i save every number plus correspondances) Name is Mike or mark. VERY annoying. Texting is bad, spelling fine but seems rushed. Wasted my whole day, he was aware i see one person a day (as per my ad)

Next is an abusive man - calls to arrange a meet then once again does not turn up. He then sends abusive messages calling you every name under the sun. Said he is in the army and too poor, that the phone call to arrange is enough to get him off, seems to hate women and has no respect after not turning up, seems nice to begin with. Number is : 077302674** cannot remember name.

These are just timewasters who repeatedly try to either have a free phone chat or does not turn up:

This all has been rather depressing, lost out to some lovely individuals and frankly, they all seem to follow the same or similar MO. So ladies, be careful.

Lots of love,



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Re: List of abusers and timewasters
« Reply #1 on: 03 June 2011, 12:16:34 am »
Forgot to add that the overnight timewaster said he was a "virgin" i know that should have rang alarm bells but i have had clients that turned up after saying that and really did need help and you could actually tell it was their first time (first time with an escort probably). Also, he wanted to see me for period play (as i am on) and has a fascination with tampons and filming. (remembered more details - calming down does that!)

On the phone and by text he requested: Me to answer door in dressing gown, to wear tampons that he can take out and insert. Wanted to watch my husband shave me and fuck me. Wanted to film for private use (i always charge extra and take details when client arrives to film) wanted me to walk around naked during the overnight meet. All protected of course. Wanted to watch my husband bareback me (husband is the only one who ever does that), oh and wanted to watch me on the toilet... all sounds okay. No dodgy questioning - only "is that okay with you" sounds like he is between 30-40 years - has an age but not old sounding voice.

** since the numerous texts - ignored. I now get a one word text 'sorry' ** seems to thrive on attention.

That was after another girl messaged me on AW saying that he has contacted her and the details helped. Apparently she got into a text argument and  he told her that he was going to report me to the police and she told me that she said "go ahead, i know Ruby makes a note of everything and is a honest and good person so go ahead. I know at least three people who will happy defend her" nice girl. Put a smile on my face after i wrote a depressing blog about the shits that have contacted me recently :) But that's a little off track, i have blocked him but saved the number for future reference. Hope this helps the girls - I am in Guildford, my AW friend is Hampshire way.  So may be targeting specifically Surrey. Sorry i cannot be more detailed about accent or location - he was using a mobile and i am crap with accents... all i can say it was northern but not scottish or brummie.