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Author Topic: Dave the Taxman  (Read 1542 times)


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    • Rhia Charles
Dave the Taxman
« on: 16 June 2012, 09:12:30 pm »
I had an email recently from someone who purports to be from the inland revenue.  I know we all get these loons but this one threatened to come around and maim me.  I wrote a blog post about it, taking the p*** out of the fool but I wouldnt like to think new ladies were taken in by him. Here's the [...] full email he sent me.

'Hi Ms Charles, 

My name is Mr David Taxington, I am a collector of taxes for the society of Great Britain! I have noticed that you are charging many thousands of pounds to gullible men for the privilege to smash you?re disgusting putrid pussy! To make matters worse, you are not paying your tax. However, this will now be rectified and I will pay you a personal visit to collect these unpaid taxes. Please respond back with your home or office address and I will pop round. The amount of unpaid taxes due is 100,000GBP. I have worked this out using a calculation that is quite simple. You charge 10,000 for a stunning 7 day holiday! You must have had at least 50 of these in one year. With the basis that you can earn a minimum 500,000 per year minimum, I have charged a 20% tax on these earnings.

Now you must not ignore my mail. You may think that you can ignore my mail as I don?t know where you live. Well Ms Charles, in your line of work, you need to meet people. It would be a shame if I had to pretend to be a client and pay you a visit?. You need your face and body to be immaculate for your business and I only hope you see the logic in my request that you pay me the due taxes promptly.

I will be awaiting your response.


David Taxington-Shaw
Collections Manager
British Society

Sent using BlackBerry? from Orange'


[Edited to remove speculation - please stick to factual information when posting warnings.]
« Last Edit: 16 June 2012, 09:59:13 pm by amy »


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Re: Dave the Taxman
« Reply #1 on: 16 June 2012, 10:00:37 pm »
Rhia, I've added the text from the email since we don't really expect our members to have to go to third party sites to access warnings information, nor do we encourage people to post links to themselves.

Either way, I would suggest this is passed on to the police.