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Author Topic: East grinstead TIME WASTER  (Read 928 times)

Sienna escort

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East grinstead TIME WASTER
« on: 20 June 2012, 09:00:42 pm »
Hi, I seem to be having my fair share of d**k heads at the moment!

Had a 2 hour outcall to a house in east grinstead requested by a mike b****.
Was arranging the meet by mainly texting, I asked him to make a booking on aw, 3 hours later no booking request so I text and he said he would do it now, I asked for his profile name and he gave mike8550 which when I searched i couldnt find him. Then after around another hour I received the request from that profile name. I had a funny feeling about the booking so asked for a landline number which he said he didn't have as he had just moved in and he hoped it didn't stop me from seeing him. I went along and couldn't find the house so called him and he gave me directions and said 'see you in a minute' when I knocked on the door a lady with a baby answered!! And she was certainly not expecting me!!!! I confirmed the address and I was at the address he gave me. I drove home and now 40 mins later he hasn't called me to ask where am I???

Clearly a peeping Tom looking out of his window having a w**k cause his too tight to pay for it so beware girls a complete waste of time   His details are below, I can pm the name of the road and post code if needed.

Mike b****
Asked for me to be dressed as a school girl, which luckily I declined!

« Last Edit: 21 June 2012, 08:34:40 am by amy »