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Author Topic: Liverpool - pushy aggressive tone, deliberate needling/timewasting  (Read 301 times)


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I had contact from two numbers today in a short space of time and I believe them to be the same person. The first number I ignored as they were spam reports about him.

The second I picked up and he had a rude aggressive tone and appeared to be deliberately trying to wind me up. The MO was very similar to that described in the reports about the first number. In particular making a big deal about profiles which state they don’t see younger guys, pushing for services you don’t offer and making a big deal about the fact you are working during the pandemic.

He had clearly read hardly any of my profile but had picked up on certain restrictions and tried to needle me about them, Including the fact I don’t see under 30s and was I actually working. I pointed out that my profile covered these questions and he hung up on me. He has absolutely no intention of actually booking, initially sidestepped when I asked him for a time.

I would describe his accent as a mix of Irish and Liverpudlian

First number that I ignored due to spam reports: 078464652**

Second number that I did pick up: 077367353**