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Author Topic: Constantly changing booking day and time then gets nasty, London  (Read 312 times)


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079468011** White guy, short dark hair. In his late twenties I think.

I am in London.

This guy booked me off a fetish site for a 30min booking including watersports which always means drinking plenty throughout the day, far more than I usually drink. Seemed nice enough but a bit overly chatty.

Gave him my number and escort profile to look at. He also paid in advance but this was a big mistake on my part as if he hadn't paid I could of got rid of him straight away once the messing about started. I also stupidly gave him two or three pics which normally I wouldn't do but did as he paid so promptly.

The main problem is he kept making bookings and changing them. Asking to come on dates I'd told him I wasn't available. Wanting a booking at the drop of a hat again on my unavailable date. Wanting a lot of contact. Wanting to be the first punter of the day despite the booking time being in the evening. Everytime I thought we had a booking confirmed he would tell me oh I can't make it. I'd ask what time and he would say 6-7pm. I would say okay 7pm then. He would say okay or I will do my best. I would say can you make it then or not as it needs to be a definite time??? Originally we had decided on 8pm. I am baffled as to why if he knew he couldnt make the times he had told me that he didn't just stick to his 8pm? I told him he had messed me about quite a bit now but I would give him a last chance to see me and stick to a booking but if he didn't then he would forfeit his payment and the booking would be cancelled. It was decided on tonight 7pm. I get a text saying he doesn't think he can make it but please don't cancel. I responded saying it was his last chance n he was taking the piss and blocked him on whatsapp and the fetish site. Then I got a regular phone text from him saying I WILL see him or I will get a black mark against my name!!! Blocked him on that too.

I would avoid this loser. He has messed me about solidly for a week now. Been offered days and times to see me, booked, cancelled, booked again and cancelled and bothered the hell outa me to come on days I haven't been working not listening when I told him twice I wasn't around then. And then was warned and again booked n cancelled then turned nasty. Not bloodywell on. Advance payment or not there is only so much anyone can take and he was told he had a last chance but then did the exact same thing again. He obviously enjoys wasting time!!!

[mobile number censored and space removed, location added to title]
« Last Edit: 02 August 2019, 05:35:24 pm by amy »