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Author Topic: extremely rude and disrespectful time-waster sends to fake address, TIM, Clapham  (Read 1059 times)


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This guy called me today and said he wanted to do a one hour booking, we talked for a few minutes and he seemed fine. He gave me his address and I googled it and it was legit.

We agreed on a time and I was running 15 minutes late so I texted him before I got on the train to his place (20 minutes before i was to arrive) saying I was running late and did he want to cancel. He said no it's fine but how long, I told him 15 minutes and he said to text when I arrived.

I texted him and walked to the address. I asked if he was the top flat and he started sending me weird messages saying "no it's not it's too late now anyway you missed your chance bye" I called him and he wouldn't pick up the phone. He just continued saying "it's too late" "go away whore" "bye bye you missed your chance whore" etc. I snapped that I had told him I would be late and he said I was later than I said I would be and he was with his friends now (I was exactly 15 minutes late). I knocked on the door and no one answered, to be honest with the way he was acting I don't think it was his house.

The name he went by is Tim, the address was in Clapham. I think he just enjoys sending escorts on a wild good chase. His # is 079184581**
« Last Edit: 02 July 2014, 11:04:13 pm by caylee_k »


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I knocked on the door and no one answered, to be honest with the way he was acting I don't think it was his house.

Since we haven't had one of these in a few weeks and it's more than likely this berk does this regularly I'll leave it up, if for no reason other than to have a recent thread to link to when newbies ask why they should bother doing proper address/security checks for outcalls.

Whilst nobody can force a punter to open the door if he's decided not to, there is really no reason that a hoax booking to a fake address should be able to happen to any of us, and anybody unsure about how to prevent a similar wild goose chase can either read the relevant article on the main SAAFE site, or type 'outcall security checks' into the Search box for many posts on the subject :).