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Author Topic: Cheltenham biggest time waster ever. Claims is outside and try get full address  (Read 758 times)


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Hello my fellow sex workers

I have had a whole month and a half off to return to this.

Ok let me start... Have had worse experiences then this and I may start writing them all now because I wish someone would of told me or certain warnings where available. No longer am going to be lazy from today and expose these dangers and threats to my fellow sex workers.
which is when it happened 3 August 2014.

This A***** bleep bleep bleep. Called around 1pm and I agreed we will meet in a hour of so just call me back .

Cut along story short. Was running a tiny bit late myself. But he'd agreed to wait plus he was just parking up. And i also told it. So it was 15.30 when I started to proceed to give it directions.

I told it where to go and it was on the phone to told me it had entered the coded doors and was in the block hanged up. Waited . Waited . Waited.
So I was like where is it?? I called it . It never answered . Then I text it sayin think your in the wrong block.  its text back was 'oh lool I think I am ' I called it something crazy amount of times.

Now he's so disrespectful. I just denied another guy for it and its texting me lool!
Like really. Did I miss the joke ?? So I text it ok.
Only because Gloucestershire/Cheltenham are small.

I'm texting every tv/ts female escort in this area and telling them your a Timewaster/ potential crook.

Then he calls me Back then I can hear the rage and nastiness to his voice.

It's like what you gonna do? And then proceeded to tell me some bill and Steve story. About about when it got there some lady open the door. Which is some jungle talk because there is only one flat with this number and there is also block . I also kept phoning it When it said if was coming up there stairs..It's not possible . So I asked it politely, to explain
Then it starts Rampling to me like it had something important to say. But as it saw it weren't happening? He became more aggressive, What you gonna do? What's my name ? Then he said what you gonna? Watch I'm coming back now.

I Wasn't really gonna send his number to all the escorts.(although I wish I had all there numbers pre saved)and post it on a escort forums .Just said that heat of moment but when it said it was coming to get me I changed my mind.i don't take to threats lightly.  Then the started to knock but it was just the wind. I got scared for a second.
I am independent too. And fully independent .

Also I will be posting warnings for all my experiences too. I tour Scotland and across England and sometimes Ireland
they shouldn't be able to get away with it !
This guy was from aw. Also I only use aw,ee,viva.
 Hope this helps
It's number is 07828 566***