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Author Topic: Daniel the wannabe "agent"- Wales/West Midlands  (Read 683 times)


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Daniel the wannabe "agent"- Wales/West Midlands
« on: 21 May 2014, 12:17:01 am »
I'm not sure on his area as I'm advertising in two places at present but I received a text from this Daniel saying "Hey, my name is Daniel. Now firstly I'd like to make clear I'm not, currently, a potential client. I would like to become your agent. Please contact me."

And contact him I did. Telling him No. His reply was "Are you sure, you would loose (I think he meant lose) no profit as I would work for free...And if not, could I ask for your prices?"

Now I queried this (I normally ignore messages like this) and he's saying he wants to do it for free to gain experience as an "agent" I told him technically he would be a pimp and the fact he found my number in the first place shows my advertising is in no need of a pimp.

Apparently he needed to correct me that a pimp is someone who forces girls into sex work and an agent is someone who gives strictly professional advice and assistance.

I don't know about you but he screams wannabe pimp to me trying to dress it up as "agent" and the fact that my prices are alongside my number on every advert shows he would be an awful pimp/agent if he needs to ask me again.

Number 075465196**

He may be harmless but worth a mention just incase.