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Author Topic: Txt pest, little threatening Liverpool  (Read 296 times)


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Txt pest, little threatening Liverpool
« on: 24 November 2019, 09:21:11 am »
This fella booked me a while ago and never showed, I saved him in my phone as “tattoos no show” because he kept asking if I had tattoos and where, which I never told just confirmed I had some. So about 3 weeks ago he txt me and apologised about not showing but said his mate wants to see me, told him that his mate would have to get in touch. Not sure if one of the client I saw that night was his friend or not, fast forward a week later he txts calling me Sarah asking if I’m with my fella, I reply that I’m not Sarah sorry, so he txts back see you tomorrow with a wink face, I reply thinking he’s drunk and genuinely txting the wrong person that he’s txt the wrong person again, he txts “nope see you Monday”  I was working that Monday but had no bookings at that time so was a little confused.

The next day (Sunday) he txts saying “Sarah Sarah Sarah see you tomorrow” so again I reply I’m not Sarah! He replies that me and this girl Sarah have the same markings on our body and it can’t be a coincidence, he then says that he knows who I am because his mates met me, I’m really confused now as I’m NOT called Sarah, he txts asking when am I going to come clean so I tell him I would face time him right now to prove I’m not this Sarah, I wouldn’t normally face time anyone but to be honest I started to feel sorry for the real Sarah, getting accused of my profile being hers especially if she isn’t an escort. So we face time and he’s actually a really good looking young scouse lad. Didn’t say much just hi I’m not Sarah and left it as that.

Few days later he txts me normal saying he’s attracted to me and wants to book me, little txts back and forth about when I’m available he really sounded normal few days later he messages asking where am I working next, then 3 minutes later accuses me of ignoring his messages because he’s on to me! Loads of messages off him which I didn’t see straight away otherwise I would of blocked him sooner saying I keep the phone for Sarah, he’s not stupid, accused me of saying I was blonde in the past (which I would never say as I have the furthest coloured hair to blonde you could get) few little messages in between that now sound threatening “oh you’ll be seeing me soon Sarah” can’t tell if he truly believes I’m holding the phone for this poor Sarah or he likes to terrorise wg or he’s mental unstable and delusional.

I’m definitely worried he’s going to try book me off another number to try catch “Sarah” out I didn’t hear his voice enough to recognise him if he calls to book. His Number is 075075509**

[paragraphs added for clarity]
« Last Edit: 24 November 2019, 01:08:44 pm by amy »