Oh dear!
Sorry this is confusing as their are three threads in a row with similar information.
I am saying that the one booking that did go ahead , and two that did not but attempts were made by client , the client sounds like he could be the same person. Two of the 'attempted' bookings for want of another word are for the same date Friday 9th of september. Plus, the areas all close Sussex Worthing, Horsham and the complaint that Annabelle is making.(see her info in brackets) seem seem be similar.
When Annabelle says no show I think she meant the client not making an actual booking after all this other crap? Am I right Annabelle?
Amy's right though. sussing out timewasters goes with the territory and can take time Like I said, all of your posts tell my gut instinct SAME PERSON therefore WASTE OF TIME.
AW. takes people who use two aliases an are the same person very seriously. So it might be better to tell them and see what they think.