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Author Topic: Cancelled when asked my race  (Read 1272 times)


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Cancelled when asked my race
« on: 26 June 2012, 02:39:48 pm »
A bit annoyed over a booking which turned a little nasty via text message.
Client txt me to see f I was available, as I was working said yes. Arranged for 40 mins or so from 1st text.
He text me around 30 mins later for house number, so called him to give number, everything's fine, 5 mins later get a txt saying 'r u black?', so responded 'no mixed race'.
He then txt to say 'sorry don't do'.
As the number of TW's is growing i was pissed off, why book me when it's clear from my pics I'm not white?
I also was using a babysitter so was naffed off about wasting 40mins of her time and my money for no reason, so perhaps I shouldn't have implied that he gets his eyes tested, stop time wasting and implied he may have an appendage attached to his forehead.
Anyway he txt back with the N word, I can take it on the chin, but just unpleasant and uncalled for. I had every right to be peeved about having my time wasted. If race was such a problem why not find out for sure first? Partly makes me think he did it just to insult me.
Number is 079525085**

[Number edited to remove space]

« Last Edit: 26 June 2012, 02:44:11 pm by amy »