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Author Topic: For NW ladies - Timewaster: Geoff W*****/Douglas J*******  (Read 1739 times)


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For NW ladies - Timewaster: Geoff W*****/Douglas J*******
« on: 03 August 2011, 07:11:58 pm »
I've never even met this man.  He emailed me to make a booking under the name Geoff W*****, then rang (at my request) to confirm, then proceeded to bombard me with emails prior to the appointment (I'm talking 15-20 emails), going into more and more graphic detail about his fantasies.  So, as I have better things to do than to bollock around with that sort of thing, I cancelled the appointment and asked him not to contact me again.

I have good reason to believe he has tried to book me again, under the name Douglas J******.  So, this isn't a warning as such (I don't know what he's actually like because we never met), but just a heads up for any ladies working in the north west.  I don't like the fact that he has tried to pull the wool over my eyes by attempting to book under a different name.  At the very least, he's a pain in the arse.

His number is 079411456**

PM me if anyone wants his full number/name.
« Last Edit: 03 August 2011, 07:39:47 pm by AngelaManchester »


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Re: For NW ladies - Timewaster: Geoff W*****/Douglas J*******
« Reply #1 on: 04 August 2011, 09:30:59 am »
I've never even met this man.  He emailed me to make a booking under the name Geoff W*****, then rang (at my request) to confirm, then proceeded to bombard me with emails prior to the appointment (I'm talking 15-20 emails), going into more and more graphic detail about his fantasies.  So, as I have better things to do than to bollock around with that sort of thing, I cancelled the appointment and asked him not to contact me again.

I have good reason to believe he has tried to book me again, under the name Douglas J******.  So, this isn't a warning as such (I don't know what he's actually like because we never met), but just a heads up for any ladies working in the north west.  I don't like the fact that he has tried to pull the wool over my eyes by attempting to book under a different name.  At the very least, he's a pain in the arse.

His number is 079411456**

PM me if anyone wants his full number/name.


We have a warning thread about a scamster Geoff Ward - could this be the same man?


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Re: For NW ladies - Timewaster: Geoff W*****/Douglas J*******
« Reply #2 on: 04 August 2011, 10:18:50 am »
Thanks Strawberry, I didn't realise that - will check the thread now.

Just woke up to an email this morning to find out he's now following me on Twitter - aaarrrggghhh!


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Re: For NW ladies - Timewaster: Geoff W*****/Douglas J*******
« Reply #3 on: 04 August 2011, 11:01:09 am »
Ok, I've just read the thread on Geoff Ward and it's possible he's the same guy - there are similarities in the way he speaks, his accent, and referring to me as 'princess' etc.  My guy didn't make any mention of being a solicitor or barrister though, and tried to book me for an incall rather than an outcall, but I suppose his MO could have changed (and if it is the same guy, I shudder to think what could have happened if he had my incall address).

Either way, definitely one to avoid. Anyone who wants his full number, pm me.