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Author Topic: Persistent messager/emailer/stalking personal LinkedIn Paddington LDN  (Read 363 times)


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His name is Kyle, I'll save the rest, will most likely contact via his Paddington800 e-mail but just in case, phone number 079006641**

I made a report on him elsewhere, only to find a couple of others have experienced the same thing, so felt it necessary to ensure I cover all bases.

He was a time vampire from the start, emailed back and forth with SO many questions over the xmas hols leading up to our booking and would send another again if I didn't respond within an hour - 35 e-mails by the time we settled on our date, only for him to cancel 3 hours before on the day of by e-mail again. We rearranged for the following week, Monday evening. He said he wanted 90mins but on the day decided he could only do 1 hour (I have a 90min minimum booking policy for off-schedule incalls) but I'd put that much effort into it I just went with it and got whatever money I could. He overstayed a bit, became so utterly 'charmed' that the same evening he decided to book me again for the Wednesday.
On Wednesday, he overstayed 20mins. On his way to the hotel 5mins before the appt, he said he couldn't get to a cash machine in time and asked if he could transfer instead, I had to agree as I was already in the hotel and paid for it so didn't want to be down £100. At the end of the booking, he was asking me to let him know when I retire. We all know what this means. He said it again via message and I said to him, what difference does it make? You're still gonna be married. If I wanted to deal with selfish TW fuckboys like this I'd have carried on using Tinder.
Then again, he wanted to book me for the Friday SAME week, we settled on it, I thought hell January is slow I'll get the money while I can, I booked the hotel, and after I had gone to bed on the Thursday night around 11pm he messaged me saying he thinks we should cancel the Friday, which I only saw before going to my dayjob v early Friday morning. He got cold feet - said to me he never felt like this about anyone since he met his wife, and would normally only see a worker once a month, so maybe it was a bad idea to keep seeing me. Anyway I saw him the Friday night still, he changed his mind AGAIN while I was at work. He was acting very weird with me asking lots of personal questions, asking why I still turned up when I had scolded him for the way he was talking to me, and I didn't want to say 'for the money' so he obviously thought the reason was that I was equally smitten. I watched him delete my whatsapp convo and my number from his phone, and he said this would be it he won't bother me anymore.
3 days later, he e-mails. Several more attempts of setting up dates for him to cancel at the last minute (don't ask me why I let it continue for so long - I'm already beating myself up for it). I blocked him on whatsapp and said I can't do these spontaneous meets and last minute cancellations, it's unfair for him to expect that of anyone. A week later (the Friday just gone) he sent me a text message asking if I was interested in re-opening this as he has some free time next week and wanted to get a coffee so we could talk it out 'not over text'. He kept trying to see me for free, 'date' me essentially while offering me nothing as he had to tiptoe around his wife, who he switched between saying their marriage was awful to their marriage is great. He also told me he would be booking another escort for 'stress relief' after telling me he couldn't afford to pay me if he saw me again so soon. I called him out on that, and he's like 'ah i just got paid today  ;D'
All this is compounded by the other posts I saw where he had been doing the same kind of thing, harrassing other workers by e-mail and cancelling a lot at the last minute. The previous worker he saw before me retired, and when she did, he e-mailed her saying he'd broke up with his wife and wanted to take her out on a (free) date. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
He is neurotic. He knows my real name - when he told me he'd found my full name he asked if he should google it, I said obviously not but I can't stop you. I opened my personal linkedin yesterday and saw he had been viewing my profile. I'm a little worried about what else he has found of me and urge you not to meet with him. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.

TLDR sends WAY too many e-mails and texts, even after being told he's crossing boundaries doing so by multiple workers and even after being blocked, cancels frequently at the last minute, overstays during bookings, tries to coerce you to meet him for free, obsessive, may stalk your real life info
« Last Edit: 02 February 2020, 09:20:18 pm by Pear »


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Re: Persistent messager/emailer/stalking personal LinkedIn Paddington LDN
« Reply #1 on: 02 February 2020, 08:53:18 pm »
Pear, could you maybe add a concise summary of the above just for people who might have difficulty reading it? Just the facts of what has happened/is happening would be great :)


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Re: Persistent messager/emailer/stalking personal LinkedIn Paddington LDN
« Reply #2 on: 02 February 2020, 09:19:25 pm »
Pear, could you maybe add a concise summary of the above just for people who might have difficulty reading it? Just the facts of what has happened/is happening would be great :)

Thanks Amy, that was a bit of a cathartic rant, my apologies. You're so right to ask! I've put a little summary at the end for those who just want the gist of it