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Author Topic: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs  (Read 2851 times)


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AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« on: 14 February 2017, 04:06:20 pm »
AW user name 'ted wright', calls himself Malc in his emails, texts and phone calls.

To cut a long story short, he contacted me by AW email last Tuesday to enquire about my availability for this week (even though it is clearly stated on my AW profile). He then rang me 'just to make sure I was as nice as my profile'!!

Booking form quickly received and confirmed for a 1hour in call, for today (14/2 at 9am), with the option to extend if we 'hit it off'. Asked him to ring or text the day before just to confirm he was able to make it.

What followed for the whole week was a constant string of daily emails, texts and phone calls. Usually alarm bells would ring with this type of nonsense neediness but this guy has such good AW feedback, I foolishly duped myself into believing that this was his build up repertoire.

Yesterday, I get emails, texts and missed calls that he's not sure he can make it, then that he can and he can't wait to see me, blah, blah, blah.

This morning he texts to say he has to cancel as he has man flu and doesn't want to pass it to me, but remarkably makes a startling recovery an hour or so later to say he feels a lot better and can be at mine for 10am! Had already blocked him on AW and don't respond to his subsequent texts begging me not to 'put him on the deleted list, he's not a timewaster, let's try again' etc, etc

Told me on the phone he's 60yrs old, a retired school teacher and is impotent. Has a Lancashire accent. AW feedback is by ladies based predominantly in Manchester/Lancashire area.

Mobile no: 07771567***, please PM for full number.


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #1 on: 17 February 2017, 11:45:24 pm »
Do you have his aw user name?
Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #2 on: 18 February 2017, 12:39:01 am »


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #3 on: 10 September 2019, 07:42:49 pm »
I couldn't find this number when he rang today probably result of last 3 digits being removed? I had enough info in my phone to help me find the post, just took a bit of thinking.



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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #4 on: 11 September 2019, 02:19:43 am »
I couldn't find this number when he rang today probably result of last 3 digits being removed? I had enough info in my phone to help me find the post, just took a bit of thinking.


Yes, used the name Malcolm with me too today and texted initially.Wanted an outcall to Kendal.
When he called I said, "So you aren't in Lowton ( nr Warrington ) anymore? I saw you in 2016 when you were called Tom"
He denied all knowledge and then admitted I was correct, but said he used the name Bob, not Tom..and now uses the name Malcolm ::)
Bizarre. Wouldn't remember him if i fell over him, but he must have been ok with me or my phone would have told me otherwise..
« Last Edit: 11 September 2019, 02:22:49 am by Phoenix »


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #5 on: 11 September 2019, 07:51:08 pm »
Yes, used the name Malcolm with me too today and texted initially.Wanted an outcall to Kendal.
When he called I said, "So you aren't in Lowton ( nr Warrington ) anymore? I saw you in 2016 when you were called Tom"
He denied all knowledge and then admitted I was correct, but said he used the name Bob, not Tom..and now uses the name Malcolm ::)
Bizarre. Wouldn't remember him if i fell over him, but he must have been ok with me or my phone would have told me otherwise..

I've spoken to him twice both times short notice or I was already booked/not available, he's not given any hassle or done anything out of turn. That doesn't mean the OP didn't have the experience she reports.


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #6 on: 11 September 2019, 11:31:51 pm »
Looks a familiar name so checked AW emails and I swapped a few messages with him exactly this time last year before I sacked him for not getting the point re booking, too much obsequious flannel etc.
They tried to bury us... they didn't know we were seeds.


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #7 on: 15 January 2020, 12:09:29 pm »
He has just contacted me here in Lancashire.
He gave the name "Malc" again.

UPDATE: I have since received an AW email from "Ted Wright 3" signed "Malc".
« Last Edit: 16 January 2020, 10:03:25 am by Braziliana »


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #8 on: 15 January 2020, 03:26:18 pm »
I knew the name Ted Wright looked familiar so scrolled back in my aw emails to last September. He asked for a booking and after checking his fb I said no thank you.  He tried again saying he was prepared to pay the full fee up front. I repeated my no thank you.

Seems he has some great fb and some neg from him no showing others.

miss mature

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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #9 on: 16 January 2020, 09:50:34 pm »
Had to comment on this man having met him once, prolific messaging, wants to chat, asks for phone calls which I won't do, drives you a bit mad.  Seeks a booking then cancels then asks to make another and so it goes on.
In the end I did see him via AW last year as wanted the job, payment ok, he wasn't impotent, did try for a service I don't offer, stopped when told, no feedback left.  Had asked for a home visit saying wife at work, declined that.

Bit of a funny one, likes to feel you want to see him.
Gave same info, same areas, name and phone number. 


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #10 on: 20 March 2024, 09:01:12 am »
This guy, now called Ted wright 13, has been AW messaging me for over four years. We have never met.

He started messaging on AW a week ago and booked for mid April. He says he’s called Malc and is impotent.

He then proceeded to AW message me every day, sometimes twice a day. I did notice he deletes all of his mesaages. I told him to stop AW messaging and text to confirm in April as I had requested. He then didn’t  like my attitude and cancelled - not that it would have every happened.


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Re: AW user: ted wright, West Yorkshire, Mancs & Lancs
« Reply #11 on: 23 March 2024, 12:27:32 pm »
Oh, I have him on my AW radar, too.

He sends numerous chatty emails, and I don't reply to them. I just say everything is on my profile either book or don't book.

Guys like this are just time wasters who try to see how much they can push new, inexperienced women into numerous back-and-forths. Genuine clients don't act like this. If he ever really books and turns up, then great, I'd see him but I have no free time to spend swapping messages.