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Author Topic: AW abusive texts/messages  (Read 1201 times)


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AW abusive texts/messages
« on: 08 January 2012, 10:17:47 pm »
I have recently listed my phone number on my AW profile and I seem to have attracted some very obnoxious attention. It started off with messages saying that I was fat and desperate whenever I moved my profile up, anonymous at first from a  free text service, when I blocked these messages he has started using 2 different mobile nos. He has also left me voicemails - he rings in the middle of the night when he knows I won't pick up. He is threatening to report me to the taxman and also saying that he knows my real name and address. Not sure what he's going to say next but I jump every time the phone goes. He is also getting more abusive but not threatening enough that I can report him to the police. I have no idea where he is from as I think he is putting on an accent but he may be welsh and/or black. His nos he has used (so far) are 078178535** and 079328008**


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Re: AW abusive texts/messages
« Reply #1 on: 09 January 2012, 06:37:24 am »
You may not want to report it to the police but harassment at this level can be stopped by speaking with someone from a group that works with the police. Not sure about your area but in the north east its called Arch, and they class it as a hate crime. I had to call them recently and they were very helpful and now have the texters number on file so if it happens again they will approach the police on my behalf.

I can understand being afraid of these unknowns texting, my boyfriend also got texts from the same person texting me, which was worrying as he isn't involved in my work at all! But you can't live like that.

If you want to avoid the problem you can get an app for your work phone (if you're using that kind) called blacklist which is really good too

Good luck and take care



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Re: AW abusive texts/messages
« Reply #2 on: 09 January 2012, 09:01:58 am »
I would agree with Miss Bunny - there should be a way of reporting this via a Third Party (either a SW organisation, or community centres do them) if it persists.  That way you don't have to have any direct contact with the police.
« Last Edit: 09 January 2012, 09:13:09 am by Mellow »